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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Our First Day...

Good Day.... it is evening here and afternoon for you all!
We slept a LONG time..... yep! a really long time... I think it was 9:30am when we first woke up and we talked a little.....then we both went back to sleep...until 2:20pm!!! YIkes right?!
I didn't realize that we would be in a place with mountain surrounding us! It is beautiful.  I hope we get to see it with a day that is full sun!  Sometimes the clouds were so thick you couldn't see the mountains, but it was amazing. Even flying in we could see so much. 

We felt great after that! We got up and got ready for our afternoon, well what was left of it. We walked into the downtown area of the city. We will just call it "the city" of our Easter European Country.  It is an old city... at least the buildings all look old. I personally love history and wish I would have taken a little more time to read about the history here.  The buildings are almost all BIG... very tall.  It was so interesting to see the people out. We tried to notice things about them. As we were noticed by all!  Roger said that it must have been my "white" shirt, as most dress in dark colors here.... but I thought it may be our shoes.  Not many people wearing sneekers or hiking boots.  But really honestly, it must have been Roger's baseball cap!  

We only went into 2 buildings as it is Sunday here and a lot of the shops were closed. Our waiter at the hotel last night told us that here, most everyone takes a break on Sunday, not like in America. He said that he had actually lived in America for 2 years.  I wish we weren't so tired last night I would have loved to hear what his thoughts were on America and why he was there.
We were gone a couple hours on our walk and seeing the heart of the city.  I would have to say that most people did not smile.  That made me sad. I would make eye contact with those passing by us and smile, but never got a response. Well....wait I did get a smile from one little boy. He was about 5 or 6 years old. The other smile we got was from a very friendly worker at McDonald's!  Yes we ate at Micky D's!  He was kind and funny as we tried to explain what we wanted.  But he was nice!  And the family at the corner market was nice too. The mom was friendly, she smiled too! I smiled because they sold Pepsi!
We walked back to our hotel and spent sometime in the Word to celebrate the resurrection of Christ today!  There were not any Easter celebrations here. I believe they are Orthodox Christians here and they will celebrate Easter in May.  But it wasn't anything like we would have seen back home. But we had a wonderful time exploring God's intentions in the Word as we read Mark's account of Jesus' death and resurrection!  We also listened to a message on Easter from Francis Chan.  Very very good. We are so thankful for the technology that God has blessed us with.  Finally, we worshiped Him in song. It was so emotional as we sang and thought of how much we love our Savior and think about the unimaginable depths of His love for us!  I love Easter!
Tonight they will set their clocks ahead an hour so we loose an hour of sleep! We will be up early as we get ready to make a 2 hour trip to another city, closer to where the boys are!  We are beyond excited and filled with anticipation to see them. We are prayerful about their hearts and those of the foster family!  Knowing that God has prepared all of us for this day!
As I close, I wanted to share something from my morning devotions from yesterday... so much of it speaks to my heart.  Speaking to that place of "wilderness" where I have come from in the past few weeks with regards to understanding Him and trusting in all of the goodness of the God we serve.
Beloved, never try to get out of a dark place except in God's timing and in His ways.  A time of trouble and darkness is meant to teach you lessons you desperately need.  Premature deliverance may circumvent God's work of grace in your life.  Commit the entire situation to Him, and be willing to abide in darkness knowing He is present.
and this one from today...
The storms of sorrow  through bereavement are intense, but they are one of the Father's ways of driving me to Himself. His purpose is to softy and tenderly speak to my heart in the secret place of His presence. There is a certain glory of the Master that can only be seen when the wind is contrary and my ship is being tossed by the waves!
OH I am so thankful for the waves and how He draws me to that secret place of His presence in my my life. As I am thankful and reminded of this special intimate relationship I have with my Father, I am once again, humbled by His love for me and the willingness He has to wait for me!  To put up with my tendency to "take it on by myself" as is certain trials in my life are not in need of His grace.  Thank you Father for loving me and seeing me as your innocent and whole and willing daughter!  And on Easter Sunday, I thank you for this great love and what you gave so that I could receive!
Prayer requests...
  • For God's plans to unfold before us in our hearts.  That we would be sensitive and thoughtful to what He has planned for us to do.  Keeping us always dependent on Him for understanding and not our own
  • For our boys hearts to be prepared to meet us.  That they would have a peace and comfort from the Father who loves them more than we can know.
  • For the family caring for the boys. That we would be able to connect with them in heart, mind and spirit all for the good and love of the boys!
  • For our family back home.  Whatever their hearts need...each one is so different! Health and safety!
  • For my big boy Matthew and his little one Addi. They are sick please pray for their healing and health!
  • For our journey to always be pointing back to God and that He would be glorified in and through it all!
Easter Blessings and love to you all!
In His Embrace,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are there safe! Looking forward to following your journey.. and praying!
