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Monday, November 12, 2012

A Little Help From Our Friends!

Our family is blessed to have so many wonderful and supportive friends and family surrounding us.  This call for our family to adopt is so not just about us!  The plans of the Lord are far reaching and so much bigger than we can ever imagine! 
God has placed a united desire to help the orphan in many hearts of those we know and love.  Specifically one special teenage girl with a heart for the Widow and the Orphan.  She has a heart to serve the Father and others.  What started out as an idea for a handful of friends has now  blossomed into an entire youth group event at our church.
David and Jonathan will be the orphans blessed by her obedience to the promptings God put on her heart.  We are humbled by the plans of the Father....and reminded that He is in all of the details.  Please read the information regarding the event.  Our older boys, Sam and Jacob will be participating as well.
Psalm 33:12-15
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people he chose for his inheritance.                   From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from his dwelling place he watches all who live on earth- he who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do.
Dear Friends and Family!               
Along with the junior high student ministries of Appleton Alliance Church, I am excited to introduce to you a ministry event called “Both Hands: Building a Bridge of Hope”.
The mission of “Both Hands” is to serve both the widow and the orphan.  James 1:27 tells us that "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  The purpose of “Both Hands” is to raise funds for orphans while serving widows through home improvement/service projects.   Projects may include construction, painting, organizing, cleaning, making meals, etc… 
We are asking for your financial support to sponsor our efforts in serving the widow in need.   With your support, over the next few months (with some projects scheduled in the spring due to weather), we will serve the needs of these widows and then take the money we have raised and donate it to a local family (that's us!) adopting two twin orphans from Bulgaria with special needs: two boys that without help are left abandoned and forgotten and labeled a burden to society.
Together we can care for the needs of the widow and the orphan, help to bring hope to the hopeless and change to a world in need.  What a great opportunity to bless those in need this time of year.  For every $25.00 raised, a “hand” with the name of the donor written on it will be placed on a wall representing the bridge of hope being built through helping hands such as yours.
Please consider partnering with us and together we can BE THE CHANGE!
Please email Lisa Schuenke at for more information on sponsoring this event by December 14th:   at

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