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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Home at last.....

Colossians 3:1-4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.  Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.  When Christ, who is your[life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
We are home!
So thankful to be home!
We left early Thursday morning, Bulgaria time and arrive late Thursday evening US time
We had some long layovers but the boys really did great!
Here is what they looked like during the 1st layover...6 hours  (without our stroller)
after getting up at 4am this was taken about 12noon.  
David on your left Jonathan (eyes heavy) on your right! 

 Then this is what things looked like 17.5 hours later!!! 
They were up for a total of 28 hours before we landed in Appleton, and only slept 2 of them on the plane...
They really did well.....probably better than Roger and I!
Yesterday we spent the day trying to get things in somewhat of an "order"...
just putting things away, catching up on laundry and being overly blessed with so much food in the house!  Thank you friends for you provision! We (I) so appreciate not having to think about food right now!  Especially with so many things to figure out as we go!  
I quickly realized that I did not have a lot of clothing for the boys....
I have lots for when they gain about 10 lbs. but for right now, not so much!
But the very generous and faithful families in our home school and adoption/foster care communities have once again come through!  I put an email out and got an amazing response! Thank you all for your generosity!  We are so thankful for each piece of clothing and the people who gave them!
The boys are doing pretty well.... all things considered...
they are now settling in to the 3 different place to sleep in 3 weeks.... they are learning how to "get what they want" by learning our faces and voices....they have no idea what they are dong here... 
I cannot imagine what is going through their minds....
But I know that God knows and He is faithful!
We take one day at a time...
Roger and I were talking about how much David and Jonathan really act and behave like a 2 year old.
and in some ways need the comforting of an infant......
like a gentle rub to the back when they wake up crying in the middle of the night...
or like today, getting up with Jonathan to rock him while David slept like a rock right through it!
we learned that they do not know how to suck....
they drink out of a cup but cannot do this on their own...
so we thought we would try a sippy cup..... and quickly realized that they do not know how to suck...
they are not potty trained as we were we will packing diapers! again
(although I have to say they get all giddy and laugh when we change them....they think it is so funny when the cold wipe hits their skin....never saw that before!)
Roger said with a smile....huh, and I didn't want to go back to the "baby stage"......
Oh how much we think we get to choose in our lives.....
This morning I got to do something I haven't done in a long, long time!
Have a peek!
I got up with Jonathan and brought him down to rock in the living room!
After he slept in my arms for an hour I laid him on the couch...
My mind went back to 15 years ago when I was doing the exact same thing with Jacob and Sam!
I LOVED it!!
Then as I was doing devotions I looked over and this is what I saw!
How blessed am I?!

 I am so thankful I get to do this again!  I love it when time stands still with all that it takes to care for a little one! The days go by so quickly!  But those nights when all that is happening is right in your arms are treasures that fill us for a lifetime!
We ask for continued prayers for the boys adjustment....
for our bigger boys as well as our little ones....
We ask for prayers as we navigate through this time!
Thank you for walking this journey with us!
In His Embrace,

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