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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dreaming............I Am Willing!

I want to share a "dream" with you....  this is a dream that has been growing in my heart for a year.  For most of us 1 year is not really that long of a time to have a "dream".... and let's be honest... I have just celebrated my 47th year on this earth! So... it isn't everyday that us in our 40's talk about having new dreams as most of ours have either come to fruition or we have long since abandoned them.

This dream I have is not impossible... This dream I have is God sized!  This dream I have is, I believe, from God!  A desire and a willingness placed in my heart by Him and for Him!  I don't have any idea of how God will work all of this out... or if He will at all.  BUT I can tell you that I am not letting go of it! Not until I hear the words from Him.... well done! 

Even today, in the midst of tribulation (my own, not the worlds) and in the midst of daily work in the home and in the hearts of these boys I love so much.  When you deal with things in their lives and your heart is pierced.... Even in all of that...and all of the piles of undone laundry...  and dishes to do...and the unending routine of things.... I am willing!  I say YES to Him who invites me to share in His work and His plans for me!  I am willing.  That is all He ever asks of us... to be willing!  He takes care of the rest!  He takes care of moving the mountains. He takes care of the future!  I am willing! 

Ok are you ready for it.....

The dream....
I dream of building an addition on to our house.  This addition will have 6 (or more) bedrooms!  It will have a big living room! In the living room it will have everything we would need to do physical, occupational and speech therapy for children!  It will be warm... NO STEEL!  Warm colors..warm floors...warm big windows!  We will have a room for playing!  Games....soft mats!....and small ride on toys!  FUN! This addition will also have a room with rocking chairs!  LOTS of rocking chairs!  AND a big blanket chest!  Full of the softest warmest blankets!

I dream of bringing children home that live in orphanages to live in this addition!  Like those pictured on my last blog post!!  I would bring them home... and have them live here!  It would be a ministry where others would come in and work with these precious little ones!  People that are therapists.....people that want to come and hold and rock these babies!  People that would come to play with them!  Meet their needs!  Hold their hands.... take them outside in the warm sunshine so they wouldn't be afraid to leave their rooms!  People to come in and help prepare meals for this BIG HUMONGOUS family we would have!  People to read to these children and tell them how GOD loves them right from the start!  AND teach them about the redeeming love of the Father!  This is a place where each of us can have those with gifts...please come and use them!  AND a place where youth can be taught tremendous life lessons about love, caring and compassion......

The possibilities are endless... Gods plans far exceed mine!  All I know is that I am willing....
I hope that this will encourage you.  That you would not give up on old dreams or disregard new ones!  We come empty handed to the place where He meets us....  HE fills us! He leads us!  He equips us!  All we need to do..... Is Be Willing! 

Are you willing?

1 comment:

  1. That is beautiful Laurie, count me in! I want to rock and play and whatever with these sweet kids.
