My Blog List

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Did You Know.......

There are allot of great adoption agencies doing great work to bring home sweet children.  We are more than happy with our agency, Children's House International.  They have a blog on their website that has many great and touching posts... I wanted to share these 2 with you but by all means, check them out.  There is a link on the right side of this blog.

I really believe that most people don't know the realities of life for the children who are orphaned. Many live in unfathomable conditions...whether they have a roof over their head or not.... it is unbelievable....and unnecessary. We each have a part to play in their, sponsorship, adoption, financially or Prayer....but we each must DO our part.  I pray that through our story hearts will be moved to do the part specifically assigned to all those who watch and read!

Again, this is not about guilt...this is real life....these children do exist...  I am burdened for them and so many more... Please consider what your part is in the lives of the orphan...  Ask Him what your role is....

Proverbs 24:12a
Don’t excuse yourself by saying, “Look, we didn’t know.”    For God understands all hearts, and he sees you.
In His Embrace until we all may Dwell in His Tent!

Saturday, December 29, 2012


What a beautiful picture....a picture of God....colorfull....creative.....full of laughter....full of love...


we can get "caught up" in fear...and in the what if's?....and then just get stuck..and before we know it we are looking back asking....."wait...what?".....

in the meantime they wait....

Deuteronomy 31:8-9

. 8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

a gas pedal!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Something To Think About....

I don't think I could have put this into words the way dear Linny does..
but please read her blog post...  I totally get where she is coming from...


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Action and Prayer!

Oh my mind is full of thoughts of this Christmas...and all that God has done to prepare my heart for it....and I want to share those thoughts and blessings from Him...

But for now...some important things to pass along!

Not sure how many have heard... but the Russian Parliament has passed a law that would end inter country adoption with the USA.  In 2 weeks President Putin will decide to either pass this law or veto it.... Please Please Pray for his heart on this!!!

They are doing this in response to a law that the USA passed on dealing with potential violations of human rights by Russians.  I don't know all that has transpired in the past to bring this "stressed" adoption relationship to a head, but I am broken inside to think that governments would use innocent children to play political games and inflict revenge on other countries.  There are way too many children in orphanage care that deserve to have a family! Regardless of what country they live in. 
Below is a link to a letter written by a young man who was adopted at the age of 15 from Russia and came to Dallas to a family who has loved him and given him a chance at life!
Read his letter here and sign the petition !  Please take time to read and sign...and share this with others...and join in the prayer of the faithful body of Christ....the church to pray for this President's heart to be changed....and that God would be glorified through it all!

We are the body...and we are called to action but we are also called to prayer....

Matthew 18:19-20
"I also tell you this:  If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for  you.  For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."

Unlike Job, (Job16:19-21)we know that our intercessor and friend in Heaven is Jesus! He  himself intercedes for us....and when we are weak and heavy hearted and cannot utter the "right words" the Holy Spirit speaks for us! 

Romans 8:26-27
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.

In His Embrace,

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


It has been a while since I have posted...and not really because I don't have anything to say....we all know there are lots of things we can talk about right?!  Just lots of things happening in our home!

I do want to share some special news with you all..Yesterday, December 18th our precious little ones a half a world away had a birthday!  The boys are now 4! It was hard to imagine what their day was like...  I am pretty sure that it wasn't what it would be if they were here.  But we celebrated them in our hearts all day.  We are thankful for the blessing of them in our hearts and lives and look forward to celebrating with them when they come home!

Also, remember the Both Hands fundraiser?... well things are well underway.  Our 7th and 8th graders at our church have 18 widows that they have begun to care for!  They have been out doing yard work, windows, cleaning and painting. AND with the big snow storm coming we have a group that have committed to shoveling for a few that need help!  It has been a blessing to watch the different ways God is moving in the hearts of these kids. They have really stepped in with both feet! (ha ha no pun intended) If you still want to sponsor the kids you can still do that. 

Contact Lisa Schuenke at   or mail checks made out to Both Hands Building a Bridge of Hope to her directly at  
Lisa Schuenke
3223 Blueridge Dr.
Appleton, WI 54914

And our adoption process.......
Most of our paperwork is in the country it needs to be for translation!  We are waiting on our USCIS approval.  (Immigration approval).  We have a fingerprint appointment on January 2, 2013!  Isn't it crazy to think it is almost 2013!!!   After that is done and approved, our agency will send their copy to our boys home country and the papers will be submitted for a court date and an official referral of the boys!  I am not sure what to expect as far as time on that..but I know that God already has it all planned out.  So we rest there!

We ask for your continued prayers for this process but more importantly for the boys! They are probably too young to really understand that they have a family that loves them and is eager and willing to care for and show them the love of the Father!

blessings and peace,

Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Reality .......

Having a passion for the orphan is not something "new" to my heart.  I can remember as a young girl being moved by the then, limited exposure I had to the crisis of the orphan.  However I did grieve back then, not like I do today. But for sure probably more than most kids my age.  I remember having conversations with my mom about the unfair unjust and the "why" behind those children with extended bellies and flies on their faces and skeleton like bodies.  Why mom, why does it have to be this way?  She did her best to answer my tough questions with age appropriate words.  I remember then a period in my life when I was torn for and trying to advocate for children with special needs.  I always felt that God was going to give me a baby one day with Downs Syndrome.  At that time in  my life I was specifically drawn to children with Progeria and Downs Syndrome.  For those of you who don't know about Progeria ,it is a rare, fatal genetic condition characterized by an appearance of accelerated aging in children.  You can learn more here .  And Downs Syndrome children just captured my heart.  I am fairly certain that while I was a pretty mature thinker at that time, I did not realize how special these children really are.  I did not know then that what God was doing in my heart was going to prepare me for what was to come.  In my mid-late 30s I was a part of a ministry at church for children with special needs.  One little boy (who is so grown up now) who captured my heart was Noah.  Noah taught me allot.  He taught me to see him... .to see that special needs really are just special qualities that God uses to draw us to others.  (We all have allot to learn about appearances and things that make us uncomfortable but I will save that for another time ) One thing that Noah taught me that I carry with me to this day is the ASL sign for "I love YOU".  Every time I saw him and we couldn't speak, we did the sign.  A treasure! He is a treasure!

Now here I am in my LATE 40's and God is blessing me with more children.  These two boys have "special needs". They are diagnosed as having Cerebral Palsy.  I love that God always completes what He starts in us.
Philippians 1:6
....being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

God was planting seeds and placing desires in my heart that are HIS some 30+ years ago.  None of what I am or have that is good is because of me! It is all because of Him! We can all look back at our lives and see places when God planted seeds for our futures.  God has blessed our family with children from my womb and we are thankful for each of them!  He has also called our family to care for Levi and now David and Jonathan.  3 children who were orphans, but are no more. This is all part of Gods plan for us. This is what He whispers into my heart. This is what stretches me in my faith. This is what gives me joy. This is ministry to not only children, but to others as well. This is not always easy. There are many days that melt into the next.  But this is who we are!  We are Gods. We are a family that is responding to what God has placed before us.  AND...this is the reality of why..........

A friend and adoptive mom has given me blessings to share pictures of some of those that wait.  Maybe you follow her blog from my sidebar... But please prepare yourself.  These pictures will make you cry. These pictures will stir your hearts. These pictures will cause permanent change in your brain! This is the first time I have posted pictures of these precious little ones who just need to be loved!  Yes there are medical issues with all of them. Yes they will need intentional parenting. Yes they will be stared at in public. Yes they will require extra work.  BUT what they need we can give!  Anything we can do for them here is better than a life in an orphanage! I know there are people, families out there that God is nudging along.  Mommies who have a heart to care for another child.  Daddies who are mostly willing, but a little scared of the unknown.  PLEASE PLEASE seek God for what He wants you to do!  Not everyone is supposed to adopt.  BUT everyone is supposed to care for the orphans. Whatever that looks like for you..... please please seek God to find out what that is!  Most of all....we can all ~YES all of us~ pray for them.  Copy and print their pictures and post them in your house or in your bible or on the bathroom mirror so that each time you see them you can offer prayers up for their forever families to move forward to come and get them!  I know from personal experience that God will call us to pray for a specific child to be brought home to another family! I have done that!  God hears all of our prayers! 

Please know my heart on this....  I am not saying that we are all called to adoption...but I am asking each of us to seek God for what HE will call us to!  Regardless of what that may look like for your family..... prayer warrior, serving a family that has adopted, foster care, financial support for those adopting, OR to adopt.... don't be afraid to do what He places before you!  Remember, God doesn't call the qualified...He qualifies the called!  Just do what He calls YOU to do!  Whatever it is!

Jeremiah 33:3
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

you can read the full post here but here are those calling for their families! and YES the ages listed are their ages....they are not typos!

this is Zoey!  She has cerebral palsy. She is severely malnourished, and weighs less than ten pounds at six years old.
Zoey is in desperate need of parents with selfless motives.
Please email Andrea Roberts with your serious inquiries about adopting Zoey! This darling girl’s parents need to step forward quickly!

Jeremy, not yet two years old, needs selfless parents. He is waiting and his agency will hold his file until January. Jeremy’s record states that he was born prematurely and has moderate external hydrocephalus and chronic bronchial asthma. Email Nina Thompson about adopting Jeremy:

Harvey, age 3, needs selfless parents to take him home from the orphanage, and none have yet come forward! His file was sent back to his government! Please email Andrea Roberts about adopting tiny, malnourished Harvey:

Owen, age 4, is waiting and has a bleeding disorder that is controlled by medication. He needs selfless parents, but none have come forward! His file was just sent back to his government!
Please email Andrea Roberts about adopting Owen:

Brandi, age 6, is alive and wants to live! I have seen her on video! Do not write her off as undesirable! For goodness’ sake, her head is shaved and she is ignored in her crib in the orphanage all day long every day and has been all her life! No parents have stepped forward for Brandi! Her file was sent back to her government! She needs selfless parents to give her a chance to respond to love and therapy! Email Andrea Roberts about adopting Brandi:

Kramer, age 8, needs selfless parents to carry him home and love him into thriving life and health! Like our Tommy, Kramer has cerebral palsy but has not received the therapy that he has so needed! No parents have stepped forward to adopt Kramer! His file was sent back to his government! Please email Andrea Roberts about adopting Kramer:

Chad, age 9, needs selfless parents to see his potential and say yes to adopting him! Nobody has yet come forward for Chad! His file was sent back to his government, but he has had his file requested again by an agency who chooses files out of compassion and not for any lesser motive! So he is on Reece’s Rainbow once more! Please email Andrea Roberts about adopting Chad

Garnet, age 10, tiny, lovely Garnet, waiting! She has not had a family commit to her, so her file was sent back to her government! Please pray for selfless parents to see obstacles come down so they can make that commitment to bring Garnet home! Email Andrea Roberts about adopting Garnet:

Look what God did!!!
Theodore, age 10, HAS A COMMITTED FAMILY!!!