My Blog List

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hey all you Facebookers!!!

Hey a great way to help bring financial blessings to children on Reece's Rainbow!

Information on how to help them get 50K to help 10 children with Downs Syndrome and/or
Special Needs...

follow here   The Blessing of Verity!

Go here to see the ten children who will benefit if Reece’s Rainbow wins the competition:
$50k goes a long way
Go here to VOTE:
Freedom, Family, and a Future for Orphans with Down Syndrome
And friends, anything you could do to pass these two links along would be so appreciated! Thank you!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Part 2 Prayers for the Faithful and Willing

Forgive my "inexperience" with blogging...while I have allot of posts it is because of things I have written and saved...
I wanted to be a part of a special day of prayer and blessing as God would move in the hearts of so many people.  This is linked to another blog at A Place Called Simplicity  You can read more about it there. In that I wasn't quite sure what I was doing..technically anyway.  Still not sure I have it right.. But thankfully God is mighty! I am new to this world as a writer...not so much as a reader.  There will be a post in the next day or so that will be the final to what my last post was all about.  Prayers for the Faithful and Willing.

Prayers For the Faithful and Willing Please read this...from yesterday and todays!
This post is so important to so many!  This post was written to help bring orphans home... Children who have families waiting for them but are for one reason or other, held back by financing... Yes adoption is or can be expensive for us...but not for God.  The families that will benefit from your prayers and prayerful giving are simply willing  and faithful to what God has led their families to do. For some it is that same call...bringing orphaned children home to know the love of the Father through them...for some it is to HELP bring those children home.  Whatever your call from God is in regard to the orphan I just ask that you do one thing.... Pray. Please pray with open hearts and open hands for whatever God will direct you to do. 

I can with all honesty say that regardless of what we have or what it appears that we have, God is so good to us. We are more than blessed. Sometimes when I read others blogs I feel shallow at times...thankful at times.... and confused at times.  I know that God will work out His plan in the lives of those He calls. I believe that. I also know that in "working" things out He calls on us to be humble.  Stepping out in obedience to bring more children into our family and our home and our lives is nothing compared to humbling ourselves to ask for support! I am sure that there are many other families who feel that same way. Partly because we all can tend to try to "do it on our own".  But God doesn't ask us to do it "on our own". He is always with us....and He has built a family that is with us as well.   Blogging Friend Linny says it very beautifully over here.  We are family.....

Hebrews 10:22-25 The Message
So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.

So as God has placed this on my heart I believe there are others who will be hearing Him speak to their hearts as well.  In advance, Thank you for the prayers you will offer on the family's behalf.


Prayers For the Faithful and Willing

Your Opportunity!
I want to pass on this awesome opportunity for the Body!  YES it is an opportunity!  We are all a part of the body of Christ...the Church...His Church. With that there are blessings that come...and calls to respond to!  He calls us to care for the oprhan and the widow.  He Calls... we are to answer.

Deuteronomy 10:17-19 NLT
 “For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed.  He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. 1 So you, too, must show love to foreigners, for you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt."

Psalm 10:17-18 NLT
Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.
Surely you will hear their cries and comfort them.
 You will bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed,
so mere people can no longer terrify them.

Isaiah 1:16-17 NLT
Wash yourselves and be clean!
Get your sins out of my sight.
Give up your evil ways.
 Learn to do good.
Seek justice.
Help the oppressed.
Defend the cause of orphans.
Fight for the rights of widows.

James 1:27 NLT
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.

I could go on and on... but  you know..  Now before anyone gets "caught up"...I am not here to say that all... everyone... is called to adopt an orphan... but rather to say... we are all called to CARE for them.  So please keep this in mind as you think on these verses.

So the opportunity is this... as I mentioned before there is a blog that I love to follow... A Place Called Simplicity....and honestly I glean so much from it.  PLEASE read more on this here! There will be a post coming that will specifically name several families that are in the process of adopting.  They will be listed so that we as the Body, can lift them up in prayer but also so that as God leads and impresses on your hearts... you may bless them in their journey.  There is a need... there is a real need.  Please take some time to read about the families and their needs...and prayerfully consider what you can do to help care for the orphan!

In this we too are praying... and below is some questions for those participating in a way to honor God and being good stewards of all that He has blessed each of us with.  We too are answering the call to care for the orphan...these are questions that will be posted and answered on each of the blog links!

1. How many children are you adopting?  We are adopting 2 boys. They are twins and are currently being cared for in an orphanage in Eastern Europe.
2. What names have you chosen and what are their ages? The boys are 3 (they will be 4 in December). We have chosen the names David and Jonathan for them. We are not able to post a picture of them as of yet... but will when it is ok!
3. Are any of the children you are adopting considered "special needs"? Both of the boys have special needs.
4.If yes, specifically what Special Needs? They have a diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy.  They have other developmental delays in skills and speech.
5.What country or geographic area are you adopting from?  The boys are in Eastern Europe.  WE are anxious to go meet them!
6. Have you adopted before? We adopted a little boy from Ethiopia last year.  What a blessing and a special little boy he is!
7.How close to travel are you? We have home study approval and are waiting for USCIS approval and waiting for a court date.
8. Do you attend church regularily?  If so, what type of church is it? We attend Appleton Alliance every week.  It is a Christian Missionary and Alliance church. A place we feel at home.
9 Do you tithe with each pay (at least the scriptual standard of 10%) YES we joyfully tithe our 10% and above!
10.Yesterday, did you participate in any way with the day of Praise, Prayer by giving praise on the link and then posting your request? Yes. We have so much to be thankful for! And know the true value of prayer...where two or more are gathered! 
11. How did you hear about the Link up?  We heard from the blog... from Linny.
12. Is there anything, briefly, that you would like to share with our orphan-lovin', God honorin', Jesus worhippin' bloggy friends reading this?  We are more than blessed in our life! We love Jesus and strive to honor God with our every way!  While we do fall all, we are so thankful for His overflowing mercy and grace in our lives.  We have been brought to this place of adoption and have a desire to see others know this as well! We believe that adoption of the orphan is just what God did for us through His Son Jesus! He made a way!  We want to be the way for these two little boys. We have already seen Gods' redeeming work in our other adopted little one! Praise You Jesus! You have come so that we all may have life abundantly...ALL...and you set the Captives free!

Finally, understanding that each gift received through this "Response Time" has been entrusted generously for our use from our loving Father, we promise, in the unlikely event that we would be unable to or decide not to adopt the children we are advocating for, we promise to return all of the money gifted to us as a result of this link to International Voice of the Orphan so they can, at their discretion, give to other families adopting.

{Please place your initials on the line.}
Yes, I will submit__LH___ No, I am unable to submit to this ________


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Not Quite Ready...

If you have read my blog post from yesterday you would most likely be looking for a special post today... well due to reasons beyond my (and others) control...the post didn't get completed as planned.  There were some technical issues with the post on A Place Called Simplicity.. so we are waiting... All of us... I will post the link to the families as I get it! 

Here's a nugget to think about...

yesterday I was feeding Levi lunch... after his "red meat and chips", as he calls them, (sloppy joes) I gave him some banana bread.  He said... "mom, I really like banana bread"  I told him..yes me too.  I asked him "did you have banana bread in Ethiopia?"
He very quickly said "No! I haven't ever had it before"  I said, " Do you know who else makes good banana bread?"  He answered "No"  I told him Gramma does!  He said "you mean she makes the bananas and bread?" I said "yes she puts them together and makes banana bread"  He then said " oh she smashes the bananas and smashes the bread" 
I said, "oh no Levi banana bread isn't just mushed up bananas and mushed up bread, banana bread is made with lots of bananas, eggs, butter and flour"  He looked at me really seriously and confused... then he said... "You put flowers in the bread?"

How totally sweet!  I forget how literally he still takes things that we say and talk about!  What a sweet treasure! I will write that one in his book for sure!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

There's A Family

Today will be the day I "officially" start my blog... going public as they say.  I have added many emails that have been sent to friends and family as well as the story of Levi's adoption.  There are different subjects....updates...and even just some of my random thoughts and ramblings.  In all of them it is my prayer and hope that you....whoever you are..whatever your circumstances will see our Creator and our Savior.  That He will speak to your heart in a way that is personal and only just for you! I ask for grace in my new endeavor!  I am just an ordinary person.....sharing my heart.
One of the reasons I have started to blog is because of family.  There are lots of different definitions of family. There is the family you are bonded with through genetics. There is the "family" in the church. Those who come along side you in joy and sorrows..and in just plain tough times.  There is "family" in some close friendships. The people who know you so well and are there for you like a brother!  So much so that they love you and feel like family to you! 

However, I have come to know another type of family. Over the past few years we have been blessed to be a part of a family that stretches over the whole world.  This family can have the same rhythm of heartbeat as you and live on the completely opposite side of the world. This family can join you on your knees in prayer for minutes or hours to lift you or others up in prayer.  This family shares a heart for the "least of these" that are so precious to our Father.  This family is the family of those caring for the orphan!  Many have adopted or cared for orphans in their home..or they may have supported those who step out in faith following a call from the Father.  Some members in this family are gifted with words and can plead the case of the orphan so fluently that it brings you to tears...and makes your heart leap with joy when one orphaned child is no longer alone!  This is the family that cares for the orphans of this world!  This is a community that stretches from ocean to ocean...from north to south and from east to west. This is family.
Ephesians 3:17-19 NLT
Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him.  Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong.  And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.  May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. 

Being a part of this family is a gift. This isn't a group of people that have some magical training as parents.. or people that have some sort of "status" in their hometown communities... This is a group of humble, willing servants devoted to God and to what He calls them to do!  This is a group of people who are living out God's love in their everyday lives.  This group of people shares God's love with all those they encounter. AND this is a group of people that while they are connected because of Christ... most likely will not ever physically meet each other or sit down for dinner together on this side of Glory!

I am humbled that God would choose our family to care for His children... those we have by our flesh and those who joined differently by God's design for our family.  We have 2 older children. Matthew is married to Bree and they have a beautiful baby girl, Addison. Jessi is older as well and is mom to beautiful baby girl Milli!  Then we have our twin 14yr. old boys Jacob and Sam. And a year ago we adopted 5yr. old Levi from Ethiopia. We are excited to share that we are now adding 2 more precious little boys ~YES more boys! ~ to our family. The boys are 3yrs.old and yes, twins.  They are sweet little ones and they have a diagnosis of CP.  The boys are currently in an orphanage in Eastern Europe and being cared for there.  We cannot share a picture of them yet... but hope to after court if the country allows.

One of the blogs that I enjoy is called A Place Called Simplicity!  Oh a breath of fresh air and a life that speaks to living simply... and at the pace Jesus modeled... peaceful. As well as a family so beautifully designed by Him.  Pleae check them out here.  One of the posts that I love that Linny does is on prayer and fasting.  I am not a "seasoned faster" but I know that God loves and appreciates my heart and willingness to offer this up to Him. 

We know that God has called us to care for His children... we are willing and obediently stepping out in faith to do what He asks of us.
Loving the journey...and those along the way!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

thank you Jesus!
I figured it out!

more later.....

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Not sure what is going on with the fonts and backgound colors.... I hope to find out..
I have a few blogs that I follow.  A few ladies who share a passion for the orphan and the Lord!  Please take a moment ot read these blogs here  and here....

Friday, October 12, 2012

Do You Think....

Just praying and thinking this morning on what happens when we don't obey what God is telling us... This might be a really silly or a really obvious question~ Do you think it is possible that we can "loose" an opportunity or blessing along with a specific desire placed in our hearts by God because we dont "obey" Him?

I have been thinking about this for a while now..weeks... If we are seeking the Lord in our lives...and we are wanting to obey him and honor Him with our lives...what happens if we miss or deny an opportunity to serve Him?

I am talking specifically to the things that we have clearly heard Him speak to our hearts that clearly line up with His heart and His character. Things that He puts in and on our heartss that make us stop and think....really think about things. Renewed desires that remind us of things He has done in our lives even as far back as childhood. The dots connect and we start to think... "wow, that makes perfect sense" or "wow He has planned this for my life since I was a child".

Can we knowingly seek Him and then NOT follow..I know we will sin....I know we may want to turn away from some of what God calls us to do... there are times when I am conflicted.. like with my boys.. not wanting to let them go but then wanting to sort of "skip" over these teenage years. What I mean is something that He clearly is putting something before you... the stuff that changes you and your heart in ways you never thought possible. I remember when God first called me to quit my job in ministry and then He put homeschooling on my heart! Trust me I did not want to to that! It was a heart issue for sure!

But what happens when we know God is calling us to do something and we just simply won't do it... we are living in fear of something. Ouch! sorry for the harsh words but I think they are true. I think that if we are truly seeking Him part of hearing Him and growing in Him means doing the hard things...especially when it comes to things that we don't want to talk about or give up. I am sure many of us as Christians can easily "obey" Him in most areas of our lives..and at the same time, deny or ignore others. We just don't want to do what He is calling us to do...It can be in big things and in the little details of life.

So....does God always keep prodding us until we surrender that area of our life...or will He just say "ok you snooze you lose" if we keep trying to ignore it? Will He simply sigh and say (like my Levi) "that makes me sad"... Will He pass judgement on us or...will there be great consequences that even if unseen on the outside, impact our hearts deeply?!?

I know that God loves me and He will never leave me or forsake me. I know that God grants me mercy and grace! But I also know that He is a God who wants to be first in our lives. He wants us to live sold out for Him,not live out our own agendas. I myself don't want to live the rest of my life wondering.......

All of this comes on the heels of a blog posting about some very special precious children in a country far away from us. A post fo those who God has called specifically to care for these special ones. I do not stand in judgement...just in wonder. Not everyone is called to adopt. But I truly believe that there is a family out there for each of these children...He has a plan for them. But I also know the enemy doesn't want them to come to know the love of the Father through a family! The enemy wants these little ones to remain in their beds for life. To be left...What happens when a family or person knows in their hearts they could/should step out to care for one of these children and they don't? I know God already knows..and He will plan accordingly for them... But what happens in that person's heart? What happens to their relationship with God... is it compromised? We live in His mercy and grace. God doesn't leave us...but have we missed a blessing...and another step to living a life completely sold out to Him?

It doesn't have to be just about adoption, missions, or homeschooling. It can be in the everyday for me... how I "deliver" my words to answer the 'repeated questions' of my boys everyday! Or watching a television show that clearly does not honer God. Or how we dress or how we talk with others who are not we represent ourselves as a follower of Christ! I am starting to repeat myself. I will end saying that we are so blessed to serve a God who loves and gives unconditionally... He freely gives mercy and grace to us. And when we seek Him He will be found!

I am renewed in praying for these children and their families. I know first hand how the enemy can cast doubt and twist things up to make you want to turn and run the other way from what God is calling you to do! I so understand that! Please pray for these little ones to know Him through Us!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


As I sit in the cozy living room all is quiet, ( except the fan on the fireplace...but)
there aren't any feet running around....there aren't any cupboard doors slamming in
the kitchen....there aren't any strange noises or voices coming from my teenage boys
mouths.... it is quiet!  It has been a wonderful time of quiet before the Lord for me
today. A time of conviction, a time of repentence, a time of instruction and a time
of deeper reflection on how He loves me...   All of those gifts that are received during time with the Lord are so precious and so important to me. But today was a day that He knew what I needed most.  He knows that for the most part, I am usually open to hearing His voice telling me where I am falling short or getting off track...but I needed to know how much He loves spite of me!
I was really led to read Psalm 139 today....not my "plan" but I responded...
I honestly did read the whole Psalm but not until I spent a long time reflectin on
the first verse.
Oh Lord, you have examined my heart and
you know everything about me.  NLT
that struck me....and stuck me.....  I couldn't get past those words.... 
I kept trying to keep reading but I would just bounce back up to those few
but so valuable words.  You see for me today..if I could give you a visual..
it would be like this...
you are looking at at picture of a tree (lets say the Vine)... and you can see
the part above the ground...all that is visible...and you can see what is below.
The part where the roots are growing and spreading out...
Today... He gave me the picture of this.. while my visible parts can sometimes
be beautiful and colorful and full of life there are times when they can appear to
be a bit wilted...dried... and even needing a pruning...
BUT..what is happening under that Vine is nothing in comparison.. He showed
me that HE was deepening His roots in my life! He was spreading them out
farther and deeper...  IN spite of what my outside looked like...tired and wilting
and needing to be refreshed.... His roots are well established in me...and that
each time we are in a place of needed refreshment...He is going deeper in us
and if we just hang in there He will refresh our hearts and our "above ground"
I can tell you that it brought tears to my eyes...and a comfort to my heart!  A
truly comforting time of the Father's love for me... as if He was physically holding
me and susshing me... 
like all of you...we give and give and give everyday... we do get tired..we can get
"off" in our daily schedules and routines..and you cannot possibly plan every
second of every minute of every day!  For me the past few days have been like
that...just trying in my humaness to plan it all account for everyone and
everyone's needs..... and ultimately..I cannot meet all of those expectations...
it was there in my tiredness that the enemy began the attack.... oh not on my
planning and my tasks..but on my children....causing hearts to be rebellious
and causing words of disrespect..and anger....
It is in my response where my sin lies... and for that I am always so broken and
so reflective as to how/what can I do better...but only with His strength..
The attacker doesnt really "stop" he just changes directions and his "game plan"
I ask for your prayers today for our family and our children... I am seeing first
hand of how the enemy will sort of run rampant in an attempt to disrupt and destroy
our family.  And we are not alone.... you see it everywhere!
I also ask for prayer for our day today... we have to get children to different
places and head down to Milwaukee for our first home study meeting... it will
be a hectic morning...
peace and love!
Every Day is a Gift!

Friday, October 5, 2012


One of the things we are required to do for this adoption is have a FBI criminal background check done...  that means we have to have our fingerprints taken and then send them to the FBI for clearance.

We called all of our local law enforcement agencies to see if they would do this service for us... we found the closest was in Green Bay!  We were able to go right away.  The process was seemless and fairly cheap!  It only costs $5 per set per person.   Because I am an "overacheiver" I always get 2 copies of important documents!  So we each got 2 copies. 

I am happy to say the finger prints on their way to the FBI for the check!  Easy!
thankful for Easy!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Finally.....Home Study

It has been a long few weeks... in that time the Lord has brought me to my knees more than a few times, both in praise and in desparation.
We have been praying for the "right" home study agency and social worker.  That God would put this person in our path.  Through a few random prompting from the Lord and a few emails later, we had an agency that came up more than once!   Special Children in Elm Grove near Milwaukee.  Today we spoke on the phone with the director and felt confident that they will be a good match for us and our adoption.  It was such a blessing to hear the positive reviews from others who are currently with this agency.  She was positive and really made an effort to show us they would be willing to work with us!  They want this adoption to take place as much as we do!  She also asked what international placing agency we were with and who we were working with.  They actually know eachother! Thank you Jesus!  He answered our prayers for just the right social worker!

One thing that God has shown me in all of this is that we really are in a spiritual battle for these boys.  I cannot ever remember having my faith tested like this before... even the Long wait to bring Levi home didn't test me like this has... But God in His mercy and grace reveals all to us in His word.  The past 2 days I have been really studying and reading Matthew 10:16-20... (thank you Susanna) that when we are doing the work of the Lord, we will face oppostition!  The enemy will try much to derail and delay the work of the Lord and cause doubt.  But God is with us in and through it all! 

Matthew 10:16-20
16 “I am sending you out like sheep with wolves all around you. Be wise like snakes and gentle like doves. 17 But look out for men. They will take you up to their courts and they will hurt you in their places of worship. 18 They will take you in front of the leaders of the people and of the kings because of Me. You will tell them and the people who do not know God about Me. 19 When you are put into their hands, do not worry what you will say or how you will say it. The words will be given you when the time comes. 20 It will not be you who will speak the words. The Spirit of your Father will speak through you.

Another thing God has shown me is that this is not about me..... Ok..I don't mean to imply that I am conceited or that the whole world revolves around me and is in place for me.... but what I mean is that there is so much more going on with this adoption than just us.  Yes the boys are the most important piece of the puzzle...but there are so many more "witnessing opportunities" attached to this journey.  Like finding resources for others just beginning the adoption process, like networking with others to help the cause of the orphan, like giving others information on caring for their adopted children already home, and being a witness to the gospel.... the gospel is all about adoption....our story is really all about giving the glory to God!  I know that...but I guess before I didn't see myself as "those sent out" more like just someone ordinary answering God's call for our family to do kingdom work.
I hope that makes sense... I just want to share all that God has done in this journey..... 

Thank you all for praying for us and for the boys! 
We ask for your continued prayer support as we move to the next step!  Gathering documents, fingerprinting and the homestudy!  Please pray for Gods hand to guide us to the right people to help with this as well as a timely process.  Our hearts ache to bring the boys home!  Please also pray for those children still waiting for a family! They all need a family!  Please please pray for them and their families!
