As I sit in the cozy living room all is quiet, ( except the fan on the fireplace...but)
there aren't any feet running around....there aren't any cupboard doors slamming in
the kitchen....there aren't any strange noises or voices coming from my teenage boys
mouths.... it is quiet! It has been a wonderful time of quiet before the Lord for me
today. A time of conviction, a time of repentence, a time of instruction and a time
of deeper reflection on how He loves me... All of those gifts that are received during time with the Lord are so precious and so important to me. But today was a day that He knew what I needed most. He knows that for the most part, I am usually open to hearing His voice telling me where I am falling short or getting off track...but I needed to know how much He loves spite of me!
I was really led to read Psalm 139 today....not my "plan" but I responded...
I honestly did read the whole Psalm but not until I spent a long time reflectin on
the first verse.
Oh Lord, you have examined my heart and
you know everything about me. NLT
that struck me....and stuck me..... I couldn't get past those words....
I kept trying to keep reading but I would just bounce back up to those few
but so valuable words. You see for me today..if I could give you a visual..
it would be like this...
you are looking at at picture of a tree (lets say the Vine)... and you can see
the part above the ground...all that is visible...and you can see what is below.
The part where the roots are growing and spreading out...
Today... He gave me the picture of this.. while my visible parts can sometimes
be beautiful and colorful and full of life there are times when they can appear to
be a bit wilted...dried... and even needing a pruning...
BUT..what is happening under that Vine is nothing in comparison.. He showed
me that HE was deepening His roots in my life! He was spreading them out
farther and deeper... IN spite of what my outside looked like...tired and wilting
and needing to be refreshed.... His roots are well established in me...and that
each time we are in a place of needed refreshment...He is going deeper in us
and if we just hang in there He will refresh our hearts and our "above ground"
I can tell you that it brought tears to my eyes...and a comfort to my heart! A
truly comforting time of the Father's love for me... as if He was physically holding
me and susshing me...
like all of you...we give and give and give everyday... we do get tired..we can get
"off" in our daily schedules and routines..and you cannot possibly plan every
second of every minute of every day! For me the past few days have been like
that...just trying in my humaness to plan it all account for everyone and
everyone's needs..... and ultimately..I cannot meet all of those expectations...
it was there in my tiredness that the enemy began the attack.... oh not on my
planning and my tasks..but on my children....causing hearts to be rebellious
and causing words of disrespect..and anger....
It is in my response where my sin lies... and for that I am always so broken and
so reflective as to how/what can I do better...but only with His strength..
The attacker doesnt really "stop" he just changes directions and his "game plan"
I ask for your prayers today for our family and our children... I am seeing first
hand of how the enemy will sort of run rampant in an attempt to disrupt and destroy
our family. And we are not alone.... you see it everywhere!
I also ask for prayer for our day today... we have to get children to different
places and head down to Milwaukee for our first home study meeting... it will
be a hectic morning...
peace and love!
Every Day is a Gift!