It hardly seems possible that it is already the 2nd week in February! Seriously, I do not know where the time has gone. The days melt into each other. They go by so quickly! Each one has its own agenda, very seldom is it mine! I am tired and sleepy by 9pm almost every night....and it is sometimes really REALLY hard to get up at 5:30...but God gives me my portion...He delivers exactly what I need to do each day... and sometimes that can be as simple a thing as a nap!
Lots of "firsts" for all of the boys in our home!
Sam and Jacob had their first ever "week of finals" a few weeks ago. They came away from the "drama filled week" with some pretty good grades!
Levi had his first full day of sledding! It might seem strange that will all of the snow we have had that he is NOW just getting to really enjoy it.... he goes outside here and makes his own little hill to slide down, but until last weekend he had not been to a "hill" for sledding! Our friends happen to have a great one in their back yard! So while we have had a lot of snow, it has also been really cold! Too cold for him to really spend a whole day least until last weekend! I surprised him with a "play date" for sledding at our friends! He had a blast!
here is Levi at our house off the the air!
David and Jonathan had their first haircuts from Daddy!
What in the world?
Jonathan all handsome!
David just as sweet!
Bath Time was not always so much fun..... just ask Jonathan!
This is what they did when I told them it was
time for a Tubbie!
The boys LOVE bath time now! All I have to say is
"time for a TUBBIE" and they run up the stairs right to the bathroom!
It is one of my most favorite things to do with them!
In the water.....everyone is happy!
He looks so serious here....
he is figuring out how to fill and empty this container.....
Some things that we are working on....
communication....both boys are starting to repeat, or at least try to repeat
words that we speak to them. It seems that they have a hard time with the
really simple stop or no (ha!) but I can tell them
to "bring mom your shoes" and they TOTALLY UNDERSTAND AND DO IT!
I don't know why....but it always amazes me what they "get" and don't "get".
We are also working on the boys feeding themselves with a spoon and fork.
OH it is interesting...
I do feed them for the most part..... but they do drink out of a cup and a sippy cup now.
Sleeping..... well they started out going to sleep really
NOW they like to fool around up there if I I stay in the room with them for about 30 minutes or so and they are out! David is usually the first one to be completely out....Jonathan is a much "lighter" sleeper. They are in separate cribs in our room.
This past week we took the boys for their first doctor visit..... it went pretty well! Daddy went first with the blood pressure and heartbeat and height and weight.... that seemed to help! David has gained 4lbs and Jonathan 5lbs. That is pretty good for 2 months home! They are really really good eaters! I do not know where they put it all!...... well.... I know where it comes out...they are really really good with that too!
I just "cleaned" up my SD card for my I should be able to get more pictures more often! Honestly.... I have seen so many really good "picture moments" but they are SO fast! I can't always get to the camera quick enough! Like yesterday.....Jonathan was sitting in a plastic container that they use for their "play kitchen toys" and David was pretending to give him a bath..... he washed him and then washed his hair! It was SO cute! And there are the times when they are laughing so hard they are giddy! Falling down and just laughing a deep belly laugh! LOVE IT!
Getting ready to take the big boys to school...... they LOVE to get their coat and hat on!
pretending to do "Nappy Time"!
I hope to post again later in the week....
In His Embrace,
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3
If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast
but do not have love, I gain nothing.